The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (2025)

Epic Games has blessed Fortnite players with in-depth graphics settings right in the game settings. However, you can’t optimize for the best settings if you only stick to the in game Fortnite settings menu. If you have an Nvidia GTX or RTX graphics card, there are resources like Nvidia Geforce Experience and the Nvidia Control Panel, which can be used to get you closer to the best settings in any game mode. Ditch your minimum settings in favor of the best Nvidia settings for Fortnite Battle Royale!

Best Nvidia Control Panel Fortnite Settings

The first of the two Nvidia applications we are diving into is the Nvidia Control Panel. The Nvidia Control Panel has plenty of graphics settings we can tweak to up our Fortnite performance in a variety of different ways. Here are some of the best Nvidia Control Panel advanced graphics settings we are going to work with:

Best Nvidia Control Panel Fortnite Settings
Image SharpeningOn
Anisotropic Filtering
FXAA - Anti Aliasing
Gamma Correction - Anti Aliasing
Mode - Anti Aliasing
Background Max Frame Rate
Low Latency Mode
Max Frame Rate
Off or Monitor Refresh Rate
Open GL Rendering GPU
Select Your GPU
Power Management Mode
Prefer Max Performance Mode
Multi-Frame Sampled Anti Aliasing
Anisotropic Sample Optimization - Texture Filtering
Negative LOD Bias - Texture Filtering
Quality - Texture Filtering
High Performance Mode
Trilinear Optimization - Texture Filtering
Threaded Optimization
Triple Buffering
Vertical Sync
Equal to Monitor, or Stretched Resolution

The Fortnite settings in Nvidia Control Panel can get pretty technical. Luckily, we’re here to decipher some of the more complex setting options listed above. However, we need to learn how to access the Nvidia Control Panel settings first. Follow these easy steps to access Nvidia Control Panel Fortnite settings:

  1. Select Manage 3D Settings from the left side menu in the Nvidia Control Panel.
  2. In the 3D Settings menu select Program Settings. You can also select Global Settings if you’d like your settings to be used for all your Nvidia Control Panel applications.
  3. From the drop down menu select Fortnite. You may need to add Fortnite to the application list by selecting Add beside the drop down menu in 3D Settings.

From this page you can now alter Fortnite’s 3D Settings with the Nvidia Control Panel.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (1)

The Manage 3D Settings page will have most of the important Nvidia Control Panel settings. However, to achieve certain settings, like stretching your resolution, you will need to access different parts of the Nvidia Control Panel. We will touch on how to access these settings later in this article.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Image Sharpening

Image Sharpening should be switched on if your PC can handle the additional load. Image Sharpening does more than make Fortnite Battle Royale games look pretty. Image sharpening can give you a visual advantage similar to the Fortnite setting View Distance. The sharper image gives you a greater chance of picking enemy players out of the environment in Battle Royale. Plus, it’ll make your favorite Scary Fortnite Skin even scarier!

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Anisotropic Filtering

Anisotropic Filtering is meant to increase your FPS in game. However, this Nvidia setting tends to have a minor effect if any at all. Therefore, we recommend switching Anisotropic Filtering to off.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - All Anti Aliasing Settings

It’s generally agreed that turning on Anti Aliasing decreases the FPS you get in game. Since shooters like Fortnite are all about squeezing out a higher FPS, we recommend disabling any Anti Aliasing in the Nvidia Control Panel.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Background Max Frame Rate

The background max frame rate limit sets a cap on the amount of frames a program can use while it’s running in the background. If you minimize Fortnite frequently to do other tasks on your PC, setting a cap of 20 background FPS will save resources while you aren’t gaming. We love multitasking, so we recommend everyone bring down their max background FPS to 20.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - CUDA GPUS

CUDA is a programming model designed to work optimally with Nvidia GPUs CUDA works similarly to how consoles like the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, or PlayStation 4 are able to run games at high performance mode, despite poor quality hardware. Using the console programming model developers are able to optimize their game for the console. Therefore, if you have an Nvidia graphics card, it’s best to use CUDA for all GPUs because it will give you optimized gameplay.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Low Latency Mode

Latency is the time it takes for the game to register your inputs, often referred to as input lag. Latency has been a challenge that gaming companies have been working to get as low as possible since the dawn of gaming, and it seems like Nvidia may have cracked the code.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (2)

Nvidia Reflex Low Latency is a low latency mode released by Nvidia, with extremely effective results. To access Nvidia Reflex Low Latency set Low Latency Mode to Ultra in your Global Settings or Program Settings.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Open GL Rendering GPU

This setting won’t matter for most gamers, because it’s deciding which GPU you use for Fortnite. Since most gamers only have one GPU, you can select your GPU from the list and move on. The only thing you need to look out for here is Intel HD graphics. Intel HD graphics is the built-in graphics card on some Intel CPUs. Make sure you do not select Intel HD graphics, because it is not a powerful graphics card.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Power Management Mode

The Power Management Mode settings allows you to select how Nvidia will optimize your GPU for different games and apps. We assume you want Fortnite to be a priority application on your PC, so we recommend setting Power Management Mode to Prefer Max Performance Mode.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - All Texture Filtering Settings

We recommend you switch all Texture Filtering settings to on, high performance mode, or allow.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (3)

We recommend these settings because they offer a greater detailed view of the Battle Royale landscape. The greater view of the Battle Royale landscape will not only make your Food Fortnite Skins look more delicious, but also give you a competitive edge!

The first to spot an opponent advantage is huge in all shooter video games, but it’s especially important for Battle Royale games like Fortnite and Apex Legends. Texture Filtering settings give you the opportunity to take advantage of the first to spot an enemy player advantage.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Threaded Optimization

Threaded Optimization is a setting we like to leave up to Nvidia by setting Threaded Optimization to auto. Threaded Optimization optimizes your CPU cores for gaming, by offloading GPU tasks to extra CPU threads. Threaded Optimization can be effective depending on the amount of threads and cores your CPU has.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Triple Buffering

Triple Buffering is designed to assist Vertical Sync or V Sync for short. We are going to disable V Sync, and we’ll explain why later on. For now, we recommend you to turn off Triple Buffering.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Vertical Sync

V Sync is a bit of outdated technology. V Sync equalizes the frame rate of the game, and matches it to the max refresh rate of your monitor. Sounds good in theory right? Unfortunately not. Like we mentioned, V Sync is outdated, so it doesn’t work well on higher refresh rate monitors like 120hz, 144hz, or 240hz. The outdated tech behind V Sync forces us to recommend you disable V Sync in the Nvidia Control Panel, and in your Fortnite settings.

Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings - Custom Screen Resolution

While you can change the aspect ratio within Nvidia Geforce Experience, and you can also change it in the Fortnite settings, the Nvidia Control Panel is the only place you can make a custom resolution. Here is how to make a custom resolution in Nvidia Control Panel:

  1. In the Nvidia Control Panel under Display select Change Resolution, then select Customize.
  2. Select Create Custom Resolution and input your preferred Vertical FOV, Horizontal FOV and Refresh Rate.
  3. Click Test to make sure your selected display resolution is acceptable.

If you like the feel of your new resolution, hop into the Fortnite Creative game mode and select a code from Fortnite Creative Codes, or a Fortnite Practice Course to test out your new resolution.

Did you know some of the Best Fortnite Players use stretched resolution? It’s true, Fortnite pro player Tfue is one of the many pro players who enjoy the FPS boost of stretched resolutions.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (4)

Before you swap your resolution we should mention, there’s a sensitivity learning curve. Changing your resolution will have you learning a new sensitivity for basic mechanics like aiming or building. If you don’t want to re-learn your sensitivity, we recommend sticking to your current aspect ratio.

Best Nvidia Fortnite Settings - Nvidia DLSS

The Nvidia DLSS is a weird one, because the only way to access it is in the Fortnite settings menu, not through the Nvidia Control Panel or Nvidia Geforce Experience. Nvidia DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) uses AI technology to make for a smoother experience in game, which is especially important since Epic Games moved to Unreal Engine 5.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (5)

If you have an Nvidia RTX graphics card, move Nvidia DLSS to Performance mode, and you can thank us later!

Best Fortnite Nvidia Geforce Experience Settings

The Nvidia Geforce Experience application is a more user friendly version of the Nvidia Control Panel. If you have a little bit of PC know-how, we recommend you stick with the Nvidia Control Panel, since it offers greater control over settings. However, if you’re new to PC gaming, you may enjoy Nvidia Geforce Experience to get yourself started in your PC journey. Here are our recommended Geforce Experience settings:

Best Nvidia Geforce Experience Settings
Automatic OptimizationOff
Slider Position

Best Geforce Experience Settings - Automatic Optimization

If you have inputted the suggested Nvidia Control Panel settings from earlier in the article, disable automatic optimization on Nvidia Geforce Experience. Automatic optimization may revert some of your settings changes made in the Nvidia Control Panel. You don’t want to go back and re-input all the settings we went through, so disable automatic optimization immediately.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (6)

Here is how to disable automatic optimization in Nvidia Geforce Experience:

  1. In the Geforce Experience app click the dropdown menu under your name and select Account.
  2. Select Games and Apps from the left side menu options.
  3. In the top right uncheck the “Automatically update new games and apps” checkbox.

If you followed the steps correctly, your Geforce Experience app will no longer automatically update your game settings.

We should also mention, if you’re not the type to go through the Nvidia Control Panel to tweak your settings on a micro scale, you can use automatic optimization. If you don’t mind letting Nvidia take the wheel, automatic optimization is a convenient way to get your settings 90% of the way to the best settings for Fortnite.

Best Geforce Experience Settings - Slider Position

The next mechanic in Nvidia Geforce Experience we want to touch on is the performance vs. optimization slider. The performance vs. optimization slider allows you to pinpoint a location on a scale between optimal performance, and the greatest graphics quality.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (7)

Nvidia points out their optimal position, and we believe this is a good place for you to start. Test our Nvidia’s recommended settings, and feel free to up the quality or performance as you see fit.

Here is how to find the Nvidia Geforce Experience performance vs. quality slider:

  1. Open Geforce Experience and hover over the Fortnite Battle Royale image.
  2. Click the Details buttonon the Fortnite image.
  3. Select the Options Wrench on the right side of the screen.

From this pop-up window you’ll find the performance vs. quality slider, which you can adjust between a handful of different notches along the scale.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (8)

You can also use the above how to to locate the aspect ratio settings, which we will touch on in the next section of this article.

Best Geforce Experience Settings - Aspect Ratio

In the same location as the quality vs. performance slider you can find the aspect ratio settings. We recommend most gamers to use an aspect ratio that is equal to your monitor’s aspect ratio. However, there are some exceptions.

If you’re experiencing a CPU bottleneck, you may want to change your resolution to 4K. Upping your resolution to 4K can take load off your CPU and transfer it to your GPU, potentially alleviating a CPU bottleneck.

Additionally, if you have a lower end PC, you can gain additional frames by using a lower resolution. You can read up more on this frame boosting technique in the Custom Screen Resolution portion of this article.

Check out Best FPS Settings for more Fortnite best performance optimization settings like motion blur, window mode, post processing, and view distance that works in any game mode to help you reach maximum performance. The article also has tips for boosting your performance with other applications like Task Manager. Also, for more settings tips like your aim sensitivity, build sensitivity, and edit sensitivity settings check out Best Controller Aim Settings or Best Keybinds.

The Most Optimal NVIDIA Settings For Fortnite | TGG (2025)


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