Airline Pilot Central Forums - NREV STBY list oddity (2025)

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zippinbye07-08-2024 08:36 PM

NREV STBY list oddity

I've been seeing this for 12 hours as I try to monitory standby travel for a family member: CarrierPassenger NameStandby List is currently not available for 2844/null/LAS
The airport standby list initially appaers normal, but it's all all zeros at 8.5 hours prior to departure. I mean every information field list no value. Both lists are useless and I have never seen anything like this. Does it suggest a pending cancellation or other negative turn of events?

sailingfun07-09-2024 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by zippinbye(Post 3818338)

I've been seeing this for 12 hours as I try to monitory standby travel for a family member: CarrierPassenger NameStandby List is currently not available for 2844/null/LAS
The airport standby list initially appaers normal, but it's all all zeros at 8.5 hours prior to departure. I mean every information field list no value. Both lists are useless and I have never seen anything like this. Does it suggest a pending cancellation or other negative turn of events?

All zero's in my experience means it's about to cancel. The only thing I can suggest if they get stuck is try the first flights out in the morning. Something about Vegas causes a high no show rate on early morning flights!

overqualified5207-09-2024 04:39 AM

Originally Posted by sailingfun(Post 3818369)

All zero's in my experience means it's about to cancel. The only thing I can suggest if they get stuck is try the first flights out in the morning. Something about Vegas causes a high no show rate on early morning flights!

Everyone is drunk and sleeping in cause they lost all their money .

zippinbye07-09-2024 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by sailingfun(Post 3818369)

All zero's in my experience means it's about to cancel. The only thing I can suggest if they get stuck is try the first flights out in the morning. Something about Vegas causes a high no show rate on early morning flights!

That was the 1st flight of the day, but it went ops normal with roughly the same stellar non-revability that had existed when there was a standby list the two days prior to departure.

Will likely never understand what that was all about - it's a done deal.


Gunfighter07-09-2024 07:32 AM

Originally Posted by zippinbye(Post 3818338)

I've been seeing this for 12 hours as I try to monitory standby travel for a family member: CarrierPassenger NameStandby List is currently not available for 2844/null/LAS
The airport standby list initially appaers normal, but it's all all zeros at 8.5 hours prior to departure. I mean every information field list no value. Both lists are useless and I have never seen anything like this. Does it suggest a pending cancellation or other negative turn of events?

What station? Just a WAG, but IIRC AMS and CDG take control of the flight and we lose visibility within travelnet on day of departure. Someone with more expertise feel free to fill in the deets.

Snapdragon07-09-2024 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by Gunfighter(Post 3818422)

What station? Just a WAG, but IIRC AMS and CDG take control of the flight and we lose visibility within travelnet on day of departure. Someone with more expertise feel free to fill in the deets.

AMS is the only station left that we can't see the real time picture. CDG systems somehow integrated and what you see leaving there is now truth data.

flyforever197807-10-2024 07:09 PM

Correct. Delta changed CDG from using Air France's gate system to the Delta system (Deltamatic or SNAP or whatever 1960's system we use everywhere else) and so now it's integrated with TravelNet. Rumour is that AMS is to follow at some point in the future. The reason given was to streamline the cargo loading/payload optimization process at those hubs.

crazyjaydawg07-10-2024 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by zippinbye(Post 3818338)

I've been seeing this for 12 hours as I try to monitory standby travel for a family member: CarrierPassenger NameStandby List is currently not available for 2844/null/LAS
The airport standby list initially appaers normal, but it's all all zeros at 8.5 hours prior to departure. I mean every information field list no value. Both lists are useless and I have never seen anything like this. Does it suggest a pending cancellation or other negative turn of events?

I have had this happen a few times with normal ops occurring at the station. It’s an IT issue and requires a Delta IT fix: close all tabs, force close the web browser, clear cache and then re-login from Deltanet.

Travelnet sometimes half-ass caches your session and it will let you do everything you normally would and lets you believe that it’s acting normal, but it won’t actually access the database when you go to pull up the standby list.

Deltomatic at its finest!

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Airline Pilot Central Forums -  NREV STBY list oddity (2025)


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But beyond landings, there's a lot of other things you should be ready for...
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  • 6) "Radio Talk" ...
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  • 4) Aerodynamics. ...
  • 3) Learning Regulations. ...
  • 2) The National Airspace System. ...
  • 1) Aircraft Systems.

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Answer: Share a specific incident, such as a sudden change in weather or a technical issue. Detail the actions you took to assess the situation, gather information, and make a decision. Emphasize your adherence to safety protocols and effective communication with your crew and air traffic control.

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How Long Does it Take to Become a Pilot? It takes three to five months to become a pilot and earn your private pilot license. To become an airline pilot, it takes two and a half years to gain the required 1,500 hours flight time.

What do you know about a pilot answer? ›

Airline pilots are responsible for the safety of their vessel, cargo, and passengers. They must operate navigational devices while flying as well as communicate effectively with crew members. As such, an airline pilot must possess a strong combination of technical and interpersonal skills.

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According to research done by aviation advocacy groups such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the National Association of Flight Instructors, and the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators, the dropout rate for learner pilots is around 80 percent.

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What is the hardest pilot certificate to get? The Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certification is the most difficult and advanced pilot certificate one can earn.

Is an airline pilot interview hard? ›

The dream of becoming a professional pilot is finally within reach, but one crucial hurdle stands between you and the cockpit — the airline interview. Let's face it, job interviews can be nerve-wracking for everyone. First impressions matter, and the pressure to perform can feel immense.

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Sample Answer: My greatest strength as a pilot is my ability to stay calm and composed under pressure. This trait allows me to maintain situational awareness, make informed decisions, and effectively communicate with my crew and passengers during challenging situations.

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The answer is no. While some airlines have an age requirement before you can fly a commercial flight, there's no age limit in wanting to become a pilot. Many think that at age 40, they have missed their opportunity to become a pilot.

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Average Delta Air Lines Pilot yearly pay in the United States is approximately $215,857, which is 165% above the national average. Salary information comes from 112 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months.

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Accelerated Flight School

These schools will allow students to receive all their initial certifications and ratings in as little as 12 months. This will be the fastest way to an airline career.

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Cooperative: While you will need to be a confident and decisive leader, an airline will also be looking for a pilot that can get along well with others. Make sure this quality stands out during your interview process. There is no room for an egotistical hothead in the cockpit.

What are 3 things pilots do? ›

Operate and control aircraft along planned routes and during takeoffs and landings. Monitor engines, fuel consumption, and other aircraft systems during flight. Respond to changing conditions, such as weather events and emergencies (for example, a mechanical malfunction)

How do you ace a pilot interview? ›

10 Ways to Ace the Pilot Interview
  1. Research the Company and the Position You Are Interviewing for Extensively. ...
  2. Arrive Well-Prepared and on Time for Your Interview. ...
  3. Dress Professionally and Conservatively. ...
  4. Be Aware of Your Nonverbal Communication Cues. ...
  5. Bring a Copy of Your Resume and Pilot Logbook to the Interview.

How hard is it to train to be an airline pilot? ›

Overall, becoming a pilot is a challenging but rewarding process. Even though flight training requires a lot of hard work and dedication at times, students have access to a wide range of resources to help them accomplish their flight training.

Is there a lot of math in pilot training? ›

No, average math skills will suffice using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Pilots perform most calculations on a calculator or with flight planning software. Training focuses on weather, airspace, managing radios, air traffic control airport markings, right of way rules, and emergency procedures.

Which branch is easiest to become a pilot? ›

You have a better chance of becoming a military pilot in the Army. More aircraft and a lot easier requirements to be selected. The bulk of the Army's pilots are Warrant officers. You do not need a college degree, just pass the selection criteria, the medical requirements, and off to flight school.

How stressful is being an airline pilot? ›

Working as a pilot can be stressful for several reasons. One reason is that, as a pilot, you're responsible for the lives of your passengers. This means that performing your pilot duties correctly is extremely important.


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